Reopening Your Medical Practice
All ArticlesSocial Distancing While in the Workplace:
- Stagger schedules (if possible) to limit the number of individuals in the office at one time.
- Reconfigure workspaces to allow for a safe distance between employees; make sure enough room is available to allow for social distancing, focusing on common areas. Reorganize processes to allow for social distancing when possible.
- Respect each person’s personal space and professional boundaries, especially when it comes to greeting one another at work and/or having conversations.
- Post signage that addresses COVID-19 expectations and workflow processes.
- Make sure your employee handbook is updated or modified to meet the new COVID requirements as well as workplace expectations.
- Be aware of any legal requirements related to COVID-19 for your practice/office.
- Do not have magazines, pens, pencils, or clipboards out for multiple patient use. Keep your waiting rooms free of extra objects.
- In the waiting room, space your chairs to follow social distancing guidelines. *If you are unable to remove extra chairs, flip over chairs in between the available chairs to demonstrate social distancing.
- Have patients wait in their vehicles until they are called into the facility for their appointment.
- Only patients should be allowed in the office. Visitors accompanying patients should wait outside, unless the companion is needed by
- Remind patients to wear appropriate face covering as directed by the Centers for Disease Control.
- Utilize other acceptable means of communication such as phone, video, etc. to limit exposure.
- Have appropriate hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and hand soaps available for employees to utilize throughout the entire workspace. Have it available in your waiting rooms as well.
- Do not allow employees to share office equipment, instruments or work utensils without sanitizing/sterilizing in between uses.
- Remind employees to wash hands frequently, disinfect their workspace, and practice coughing and sneezing etiquette.
- Post signage for appropriate hand washing techniques and coughing and sneezing etiquette.
- Regular cleaning protocols are required and should follow CDC and OSHA guidelines.
- Provide the appropriate PPE for your staff.
- Keep the lines of communication open with employees and your patients.
- Provide frequent updates and allow for questions and concerns to be heard and addressed in a timely manner.
*Please be sure to check with your particular state and local health departments for specific guidelines and requirements.
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