Treating Employees as Patients
2014; Issue 1
There is no law that specifically prohibits a doctor from evaluating, diagnosing, treating or prescribing to a family member, employee or friend.
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Category Tag Employees
Emergency Equipment and Training in the Medical Practice
2013; Issue 4
Some of the most frequently asked questions to the Integris Group Risk Management department are: Should we have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in the office? What type of emergency medication and equipment should we have? Am I required to have an emergency plan?
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Category Tag Emergency
Category Tag Equipment
Principles of Medical Record Documentation
2011; Issue 4
The medical record has many purposes, for instance: it serves as a communication tool for a wide variety of players; it chronologically documents the plan of care for the patient; and aids the doctor in the defense of a medical liability claim.
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Category Tag Guidelines
Category Tag Medical Records
Category Tag Records